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Mural with woman in front

The Nisei Gallery is a unique retail and
gallery experience that holds and preserves "The Nisei Mural" which, until recent findings, was speculated to be painted by Nobuo Kitagaki (1918 - 1984)— an established artist in the San Francisco area. The Artisan Village within the Nisei Gallery showcases the work from local artists who are masters of their craft. Some of these skills are taught in the gallery's workshop. The middle space is our gallery space with exhibitions that will change throughout the year.

What is Nisei?

Nisei (Nee Say) : 

A person born in the US or Canada whose parents were immigrants from Japan.

Artistic Origins

Recently, blueprints of the Nisei Gallery have been found from 1959 that show the plans for the building to become a pottery shop!  This information leads us to propose another purpose for the famous Nisei Mural to have been painted. 


We are working hard on uncovering the mystery behind the Mural's origins. Who, why, and when are what we're looking for. In the meantime, the gallery will be honoring the serendipity of this buildings many purposes by bringing clay and pottery back to the fort! 

More Information

Artisan Village

The Artisan Village is a part of The Nisei Gallery that provides space for local artisans to sell their wares. It is a home for all hand made works to be celebrated, displayed, and sold.

Exhibition Oportunities

The Nisei Gallery will hold monthly exhibitions and calls for art. A unique opportunity to display your artwork in this historic building.

The Nisei Workshop

The Nisei Gallery workshop is a makers space where artists can learn a long list of skills and try new mediums without having to worry about the initial investment of equipment.

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